Cristina Manzano, director of esglobal and columnist for El País, presents some of the major challenges facing European universities in the context of the pandemic. Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Rector of the Vienna University of Economics and Business, sees fully online education as a short-term solution to these challenges, but does not believe that issues such as face-to-face activity on campus and face-to-face contact can be replaced online. Martin Paul, Rector of the University of Maastricht, agrees with this view and is in favour of a hybrid model of online and face-to-face education in the future.s Santiago Íñiguez, President of IE University, argues that many of the consequences of the pandemic will continue into the future, especially the role of technology, which will help to innovate towards the personalisation of education in the future. Andrea Prencipe, Rector of the Luiss University of Rome, believes that issues such as international mobility, which were put on hold during the pandemic for health reasons, will be taken up again in the future, as they are a fundamental part of the European educational experience.
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