Salman Khan, founder of Khan Academy and Princess of Asturias Prize winner for Cooperation, is committed to a hybrid education for the future, which includes both online and face-to-face training with the benefits that both bring. In his vision for the future, Khan seeks to achieve an education that is not limited by place and time, where students can benefit from a personalised education that allows them to learn at their own pace and that adapts to them, rather than the other way around. An education, he says, that is available to everyone in the world free of charge. And all this without losing the human connection provided by the teachers and the rest of the students, which he considers to be a fundamental part of the training. For her part, Carmen Morenés, Director General of Fundación Telefónica, focuses this reflection on the future of education on the social and digital divide, and the difficulties faced in this area by families with fewer resources. A problem where technology has great potential to help, as can be seen in the Profuturo project. The founder and CEO of Spain Startup, María Benjumea, highlights entrepreneurship as a key to the development of society and the economy; and Miguel Barrero, director general of the Santillana Foundation, raises doubts about the future of education, which seems to be moving towards a hybrid model.
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