The CEO of Babbel, Germany, Markus Witte, talks about the online language learning platform Babbel. He notes that there are more than 150 people working on the platform, including language learning, technology and product experts. The platform aims to get people to speak a new language in life, i.e. with an emphasis on communication rather than learning vocabulary or grammatical rules. Meanwhile, the CEO of Future Learn, UK, Simon Nelson, highlights the growing need for digital education and considers that the gap between the desire for access to education and the lack of choice is growing. He says that education is far from ready for what the future demands. The main objective of Future for learn is to transform access to education and close the gap between supply and demand for quality higher education. It advocates the idea that the future of education should be mobile, flexible, social and lifelong. The CEO of Openclassrooms, France, Pierre Dubuc, introduces us to the platform, the mission of which is to make education accessible to everyone and to provide quality education. He stresses what sets them apart from the rest. They offer weekly one-to-one mentoring sessions with professionals in each of the subjects and focus their curricula around the skills you need to thrive in working life. During the round table, aspects such as the problem of accreditation of courses, the lack of motivation of many students or the difference between the opinions of educators, who consider that their students are highly prepared for the demands of the labour market, and the opinions of recent graduates and companies, who believe the opposite.
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